Hearts On Thin Ice

by Katie Kennedy


"Hearts on Thin Ice" offers a fresh take on the hockey romance genre. The story revolves around Nick, a professional hockey player who is not only grappling with the pressures of his career but also carrying the emotional weight of being the sole survivor of a tragic plane crash. This aspect adds a profound and unexpected layer to his character, making his quiet and closed-off demeanor more poignant.

The premise is compelling, with Alyssa, an interior designer, hired to transform Nick’s apartment and help him regain a sense of normalcy. However, while the book has a strong foundation and an interesting setup, the execution fell short for me. The writing struggled to maintain momentum, and I found myself dragging through the pages. To put it in perspective, a book usually takes me a few days to a couple of weeks to finish, but this one took an entire month.

Although "Hearts on Thin Ice" wasn’t unredeemable, it didn’t quite hit the mark to warrant more than three stars. I did appreciate the exploration of moving forward after a significant tragedy, but I was disappointed by the reliance on miscommunication tropes, which seemed out of place for an adult romance. Healthy relationships should be built on clear and open communication, and the constant misunderstandings felt frustrating rather than engaging.

In summary, while the novel brings an intriguing premise to the hockey romance genre, its execution left much to be desired. If you’re a fan of the genre and interested in the unique angle of dealing with trauma, it might be worth a read, but don’t expect a flawless experience.

* Received for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

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