An introduction…

Hello Lovely,

As you can gather with the glow up of my blog, things are going to be changing around here. This change has happened over the last year with my monthly wrap-up Instagram posts. While I love making those posts, and will continue to do so, this issue is I find them to be so brief and really just show you a glimpse of my life - which to be fair, who cares about my life and what I am doing everyday? but i digress… I was constantly looking forward to the end of the month to write these small posts that I had to constantly condense and so, I figured, why not expand my blog? make these posts whenever I feel like it, rather than being stuck in that monthly structure?

And here we are, welcome to the new blog! Keep a look out for the next post! (don’t worry i will be sending notifications on instagram)

See you soon!


A Weekend Full of Joy, Food, and Family