The Accidental Pinup

by Danielle Jackson

RATING: 1/5 Stars

I wanted to love this book so much because it checked all the boxes for me!

- Plus size rep + commentary on the fashion industry CHECK
- Plus size character as the romantic interest CHECK
- Black woman running her business and kicking ass at it CHECK.

Sadly, this book is giving "We love white boys who do the bare minimum energy" I cannot stand Reid's character, he is so fucking basic compared to Cassie. She is so cool and awesome and other than her swooning over Reid, she was fucking awesome.

Had to DNF this at 50% complete because I really just could not.
Also not sure if this is a "spoiler" so continue reading at your own digression...

So Reid and Cassie like full on start kissing at the "Friendsgiving party" she throws at her company. ALL HER EMPLOYEES + some friends are there. I have ZERO idea how she started kissing this dude openly at this party when they had never defined their relationship and then to boot... ITS A WORK FUNCTION? maybe I am just a little much right now but omg I would absolutely never. My workplace has ZERO idea of my romantic life and it really should not have been put out there... especially when it had just been starting...

Anyways, as I said.... super sad I didn't like this... I really wanted to.

Review originally written and posted 8/22/2022

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