Not Your Crush’s Cauldron

By April Asher

SPICE: 3.5/5

I absolutely loved reading this. I don’t know what it is about this year, but the books have just been hitting! This is the third book in the Supernatural Singles series by April Asher. The series focused on three plus size witch-sisters and their stories of falling in love. I have absolutely loved Asher’s previous novels, but this one really takes the cake. Olive is the timid teacher who moves in with her Angel friend Bax. He offered up his spare room to Olive knowing that she wasn’t in the safest living environment. There are definitely some sexy encounters that start from the moment she moves in… The trouble starts when Bax is assigned to be Olive’s Guardian Angel. There are three rules to being a guardian angel, and one of those rules, and most important one is DO NOT FALL IN LOVE with your assignment. Oops!
This read was fun and romantic and sexy. Asher writes very well and I really commend her on making the characters (and dialogue) feel very real. April Asher should be added to your “instant-buy” authors. She is for me.

​*** I received this book as a gift from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***
Review originally written and posted 2/14/2024

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