Let's Not Be Friends

by Phoebe MacLeod


​I really loved reading this book. The premise of the novel, is Sophie, who had left her life in London behind to live with her husband, on his family’s farm. Sophie’s simple farm life comes to a complete halt when she catches him cheating on her with one of his employees. I really loved reading this novel because Sophie was so real and relatable. Firstly, (don’t worry not really a spoiler) her first instinct is to try and make her marriage work. Sometimes when reading stories, the character’s take this “holier-than-though” approach and will be depicted as leaving the cheater, no looking back kinda thing. Which I will admit is bad ass, but very difficult to do in real life. I am super happy that MacLeod decided to talk that approach and have Sophie try and work things out. When they didn’t, Sophie goes back to her parents and tries to rebuild her life. This I also found to be super relatable and wonderful storytelling. There is nothing embarrassing about looking back and going to family for help in time of need. Especially post-pandemic, this is a sentiment I think many can relate to as well. While there is a lot of luck with Sophie’s story, mainly the amount of wealth her parents have and their ability to loan her money, and get her on her feet. I think it is important that Phoebe MacLeod included that aspect in Sophie’s life. While Sophie’s emotions and situation are relatable, the ability to pull oneself together is severely limited without the finances she had access to. With that being said, this was a solid 4-star read, and I recommend to all who may have recently been in a situation where a partner cheated or even a hard break up. This novel is really about finding oneself before being in a relationship, and finding hope and moving forward.

**I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**
Review originally written and posted 12/4/2022

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