Maid of Dishonor

by Gracie Ruth Mitchel

RATING: -1/5

When I started reading this book (full disclosure I was listening to the audiobook) , from the get go I was lulled into the story with funny and well written narration. I thought this was going to be a very funny book, but that was not the case. I had to DNF this book about 15% in. There were quite few icks that just left me feeling annoyed and frustrated. Like when the terms “looked like a womanly woman” was used. Which means what exactly? If you don’t have boobs or butt your woman body isn’t as womanly? And maybe I am taking this too far but like… are you less of a woman in this case if you’ve had a double mastectomy? or are have had implants put in? Like its saying nothing while also telling me a lot about the person writing it. There are many instance like this where I found myself wondering WHO exactly wrote this book.

As I mentioned, I DNF’d this book within the very beginning of the novel, and the AMOUNT OF TIMES other characters told the two best friends that THERE MUST BE SOMETHING BETWEEN THEM made me want to throw my phone to the wall. If I were to guess who wrote this book, I would say a 14-16 year old girl whose target audience is Boomers. It was just a whole NOPE for me. I have never had nothing good to say about a book without having read more of the story. Sorry but -1 star.

Review originally written and posted 3/24/2023

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