The Fury

by Alex Michaelides


I think i have a problem distinguishing disliking a narrator and disliking the novel; or rather i have a hard time voicing it. When reading this book in Greece - i know very on the nose considering its setting - i found myself increasingly becoming irritated with our narrator Elliot. At first, her gives off that “nice guy” vibe where it seems like everyone around him is just selfish and rude and he is just being put down for no apparent reason… which now I know isn’t the case. The novel takes place mostly in Greece, on a small private island, and is essentially the tale of how Elliot’s friend Lana is murdered.

Now if you are a fan of second person point of view - this is when the narrator is talking directly to the reader - and you enjoy uncovering information haphazardly with an unreliable narrator, then this is a fantastic read. With the story being told in a non-linear manner and the twists and turns, this was the perfect book to read on a rock by the ocean blue waters in Greece.


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